Updated last: June 9th 2021

If you’re here, I’m guessing you’re new to OnlyFans and looking at how to make your account stand out from the millions of others on the website. If that’s the case, read on.

But if you’re an experienced onlyfans content creator, I’m sure you will find some useful tips too. 

As I’m sure you’re aware, OnlyFans is a fantastic and empowering way to make money in the modern age. It allows you to use your god-given assets to bring in some extra cash or even make a living from them! 

However, the best thing about OnlyFans is also the sites biggest downfall – everyone can use it. So while this means you can post your content for almost anyone to see and in turn build a huge client base, it also means that your account is swimming in a sea of others. 

Lucky for you, I’ve got 33 tips and tricks up my sleeve that will help you promote your account so it sticks it from everyone else! 

Best Onlyfans: Featured This Month

33 Best Ways to Promote Your Onlyfans Account:

1 – Use social media!

This one is pretty self-explanatory and might seem pretty obvious but a lot of people actually miss this tip out. If you’re going to stand out from other accounts, you’re going to need your account to reach a ton more people than everyone else’s. Using social media is arguably one of the fastest ways to reach a large network of people. 

The easiest way to do this is by using whatever existing platforms you have to promote your account! If you’ve already got a following on some other social media’s, try and promote your account to that following. Hopefully, you’ll be over to bring over some existing followers to your OnlyFans without having to put in a ton of work. 

Some of the sites to check and use would be: (twitter, reddit, tiktok, instagram)

2 – Use forums and websites to promote yourself. 

Like using social media, forums and websites will reach a large network of people quickly. The difference with this though is that you can promote your OnlyFans on forums and websites that are already focussed on OnlyFans. 

While using social media might promote your account to some people that have absolutely no interest in OnlyFans, posting on forums and specific websites will reach an audience that is already seeking out the content you provide. 

Try websites and links such as lustfel.com/best-onlyfans-accounts or other similar ones like gfy.com to reach potential customers. 

3 – Use Pornhub Community. 

Pornhub Community allows like-minded people to find each other and each other’s content. 

It allows creators to promote their own content that isn’t necessarily uploaded to Pornhub but would interest Pornhubs users. It also allows people to chat with each other, so you might even use it to talk to potential customers instead of just posting the link to your OnlyFans. 

4- Adult Cam Sites

Cam sites are websites created solely for people, usually women, to pose for webcams as a form of entertainment. They’re similar to OnlyFans as they’re used in the same sort of manner – you post content of your body and sexuality as entertainment in exchange for money. The most notable difference is that cam sites usually feature live videos where you don’t have to do this on OnlyFans. 

Cam sites would be a great way to promote your OnlyFans as the users of cam sites obviously have an interest in the content you’re offering. If they like you, OnlyFans will offer them a more permanent view of your content. Try cam sites such as Chaturbate, myfreecams, or livejasmin to get yourself started.

5 – Shoutouts and cross-promotion.

Shoutouts and cross-promotions are great to get your content and account out there because it involves helping someone else do the same. 

Promoting someone else’s OnlyFan accounts is a fantastic promotion tactic as it crosses over the two of your client base. While you both might have a similar amount of fans on your account, they’re unlikely to all be the same. 

You’ll be most successful with this method if you choose to cross-promote with someone that creates similar content to you. This is because their fans are more likely to enjoy your content too if it’s similar and therefore more likely to subscribe to your OnlyFans too. 

Shoutouts are also fantastic and work better if you get them from a larger account than you. You can pay other creators or people with large followings, in general,l to shout you out and some might even do it for free. 

6 – Advertise your OnlyFans using Adult Ads Network.

You can also promote your OnlyFans using the Adult Ads Network. To do this, you’ll have to create an ad or pay someone else to create one that promoted your OnlyFans account. Then you pay to have this ad displayed across various different websites. The Network that allows this kind of promotion is trafficjunky.

Usually, these adverts would appear on similar websites such as pornsites and cam sites. That way they reach an audience that is more likely to be interested in your content. While you might be put off initially by this idea because you have to pay a decent amount for it, it’s well worth it in the meantime.

This method of promotion is more likely to draw in potential customers compared to free forms of promotion, like using your own social media, as it targets a specific audience. 

7 – Post your photo to TheCHIVE.

Websites like https://thechive.com/category/sexy-girls/ are a great promotional tactic. They allow you to show off your body and your content to people that are already searching for the sort of content you produce. 

While posting on websites like this often won’t directly earn you money, they increase the traffic flow to your OnlyFans. This is because people are more likely to want to pay to view more of your content if they’ve already seen some they like. 

8 – Use newsletters. 

You might be thrown by this idea because newsletters are usually for old people and boring companies, right? Hear me out because that’s totally not the case! 

Loads of content creators like yourself have their own newsletters, especially highly sought over professionals in the adult industry! Newsletters are a way for them to connect with their fans by giving them a bit of extra content regularly. 

You can find a popular creator in the adult industry and ask or even pay them to promote your own content in their newsletter. This isn’t uncommon – tons of creators share the accounts and shout out their colleagues, friends in the industry, and collaborators in their newsletters. 

9 – Promotional discounts. 

A great way to get people hooked onto your OnlyFans account is by enticing them in with promotional discounts. A lot of people might not want to pay for your content at full price because they think they can see the same content elsewhere or they might even think your content is too similar to someone else they’re paying. 

But if these people think they’re getting a good deal on it, they’re more likely to bite. A discount usually entices people into making a one-off purchase but they’re more likely to stick around and pay for more if they’ve brought some of your content and like it. Promotional discounts are a great way to get repeat customers. 

Have a look here for more information where you can learn that 81% of Americans say finding a great offer or discount is leading to a purchase journey.

10 – Contact OnlyFans Management Agency

A quick google search of this will show you a bunch of agency that works solely to promote content creators such as yourself. 

Again, this is a form of promotion that you have to pay for but it’s well worth it. Paying an agency to promote your OnlyFans will mean your account will be shown to a bunch of different people that are interested in your kind of content and are already searching for something like it. 

Paying an onlyfans agency to promote you will also likely include getting some professional advice.

They’ll be able to tell you what your account might be lacking, where you’re going wrong, or what you can do to make sure your account reaches more people. 

11 – use regular digital marketing agencies. 

You don’t have to use marketing agencies designed specifically for OnlyFans. Regular marketing agencies can do the same job for you and often for less money. 

While they don’t work solely in the adult industry, they still know what they’re doing. The premise is the same and they’re more than a bit experienced in reaching a specific network of people and promoting certain products. 

You can find regular digital marketing agencies through a quick google search too. Just be warned that if you’re using a standard agency, you might have to do a bit more digging than if you were using an OnlyFans or adult explicit’ one. This is because you’ll need to hunt to find the right match for you. 

12 – Start a blog! 

Starting a blog is a fantastic way to promote your content as it shows you’ve got more to offer than just videos and pictures! (use wordpress, Wix, or any other platform)

Blogging will allow your existing subscribers and followers to get to know you a bit better and therefore they’ll become more attached to you. This will make them more likely to stick around.

You might also find that starting a blog is a ton of fun! You can write about whatever you want and whatever you think might draw people in – sex toys, kinks, experiences, etc. This will also draw more traffic to your site as people searching some of these sexually explicit articles might stumble across your content and decide to stick around. 

A personal touch is sure to keep people coming back more than a video will. As good as you might look, they can find videos almost anywhere nowadays. 

13 – Get a website. 

(again you can use many adult website tools like https://modelcentro.com)

This promotional tactic will work the same sort of way a blog will. Starting your website is a bit more personal and therefore will draw more traffic to your OnlyFans account. 

Having your own website also means that you remain in control and can choose exactly how it operates. You can charge people separately for content on your website and direct them over to your OnlyFans for more or you could use your website as a free teaser that will entice them. 

With a website, you could use the previous promotional tactic at the same time. You can put your blog and your content on your website together so it’s all in one easy place for your customers to find. 

14 – Market your content on Medium and Quora.

Medium and Quora are hugely successful websites that people use to chat, ask questions, and share content on all the time. They’re not NSFW in nature and cover a whole range of topics. 

They’re both free to use and are great promotional platforms because they’ve got such a huge user base. They’ll allow you to talk about the sort of content you produce to people that share the same interests/kinks/fetishes

Just be sure not to break their NSFW guidelines if you use them or you might be banned. But don’t worry, you don’t have to post any free content to succeed in promoting your OnlyFans! Teasing potential customers with your words and a quick insight into what you offer is often just as compelling as a video or a photo is. Sheer curiosity draws people in, I promise!

15 – Create videos on Youtube!

Like Medium and Quora, Youtube is a huge platform that millions of users rely on daily. While they do have strict NSFW guidelines, that doesn’t necessarily have to stop you from making videos to promote your OnlyFans. 

Your youtube doesn’t have to be explicitly sexual in nature. You could arguably make your videos about anything that will get you a following and just link your OnlyFans in the description. However, you’ll probably have the best luck if it’s somewhat related to your content. You can just make videos about your life – who you are and what you do.

There are a lot of people that make sexual content that uses Youtube as a platform to gain followers. As long as you adhere to YouTubes guidelines, you can talk about your work in a way that will hopefully bring more viewers in.

16 – Collaborate with other popular OnlyFans creators. 

Collaborations are a great way to promote your own account and a way to spice up your content! Fans will love nothing more than to see you work with a fresh new face and the same goes for fans of their channel too. 

Working with similar creators will allow you to branch out with the usual stuff your post. Fresh new content is more likely to bring in new fans rather than posting the same sort of videos all the time. 

Most importantly though, collaborating with another OnlyFans creator will promote your account to their existing followers. So if you end up working with a creator that’s got a lot more of a following than you, you’ll massively benefit! 

None of this is to say you need to work with another creator to successfully promote your account. If you’re more comfortable being a solo creator, you might be better off revisiting the previous tip that suggests cross-promotion with other creators. 

17 – Pay other OnlyFans creators for promotions. 

If you’re not interested in collaborating with anyone else, that’s OK. You don’t have to explicitly work with them to get your account name out on their own – you can just pay them to shout you out. 

At the end of the day, OnlyFans creators are there to make money. Merely shouting out your channel is a lot easier a way for them to making money than producing content so a ton of big accounts are up for doing this too. 

Just reach out to some popular accounts you know of that you think have the same sort of fans that will be interested in the content you produce. 

18 – Offer a FREE OnlyFans account too. 

I know this one might seem contradictory – you make an OnlyFans to make money, why would you be posting content for free? Hear me out. 

Making an additional free OnlyFans account to post free content is a great promotional tactic. Posting a limited amount of free content or even teasers of the content available on your main account is a pretty sure way of drawing customers in.

A lot of the time, OnlyFans creators just post censored teasers’ and this doesn’t really draw in as many people as it could. If you were to post a free thirty-second video or a couple of photos from a much larger shoot, people are going to be curious about what the rest of your content looks like. This way, they’re way more likely to pay for the full thing. 

19 – Create a giveaway in one of your OnlyFans videos. 

Like promotional offers, the promise of free stuff draws people in. If you announce a giveaway for certain content, you’re likely to get a ton of more traffic to your account than you usually would.  Some of the best giveaway tools to use are rafflepress and woobox.

People are going to be interested in the idea of potentially getting more of your content for free if it means they only have to pay for a certain amount. (And they’re fools for thinking this…they’re obviously going to get hooked after a video or two and end up paying you anyway.)

Just be wary if you use this approach and make sure your giveaway only contains digital products to protect your privacy. 

20 – Give a talk or create a webinar. 

Helping others in your industry is a really good way to get a promotion for some different reasons. While this one won’t explicitly draw attention to your account from customers, it will draw attention from other creators. This is a good thing too and I’m going to tell you why. 

Creating a way of advising others in your industry will be massively beneficial to you in the long run. It allows you to make solid connections with other content creators. These creators might shout out your talk/webinar and they may become people to make future collaborations with. 

21 – Post photos and videos with relevant hashtags on sites such as Pinterest, Flickr, Tumblr and Instagram. 

While these accounts may have quite strict NSFW guidelines, they’ve got a huge amount of users on them that might be interested in your content. 

If you’re careful and smart about what you post, this is a really good way of promoting your account for free. Selecting the right hashtags (#onlyfans, #adultcontent, #sex, #model as a few examples) will make sure that the right people stumble across your stuff. 

22 – Go mobile and create an app! 

This one might sound like a lot of hard work but it’s totally worth it. It’s also more aimed at those of you who already have a decent following and are looking to grow an already decent fanbase larger. 

Like creating a website or a blog, it will give you a ton more control over your content and it’s also more secure. If you start to post your content on an app, you can charge for the said app and loyal subscribers will move over from OnlyFans to continue seeing your content. 

There’s loads of stuff on google and a bunch of free tools to help you do this. 

23 – Promote your account on adult directories. 

Adult directories such as https://www.boobpedia.com, https://babepedia.com, and https://www.freeones.com will draw in loads of traffic. Like some other tips on this list, they include posting some content for free to start with. But these sneaky teasers will be sure to bring a ton more people to your OnlyFans page that are willing to pay for more of it!

As these are the sort of sites that are guaranteed to house users that will be interested in your content, you’re not wasting existing content by posting it for free. Sites like these are made for directing traffic elsewhere. 

24 – Make your own merchandise! 

This is a good quick and easy way to make additional money and to promote your account. 

It might take a bit of effort to set up initially but it’s worth it when you get it done. Merchandise has been used for decades to promote things to people that otherwise had no idea it existed. You can do this by making a ton of different stuff – personalised content, posters, t-shirts etc. There really is no limit – as long as it’s getting your name out there. 

25 – Use outdoor promotion! 

This one works great alongside the previous tip of making your own merchandise. 

If you were to make merchandise such as t shirts or hats with your OnlyFans account on, you’re already starting to use outdoor promotion! Apparel travel everywhere and will introduce a ton of new people to your content. 

You can also pay people to supply more outdoor promotion such as posters in clubs etc. 

26 – Use vehicle branding. 

Like hats and t-shirts, cars travel everywhere. They’re even better though because not only do they travel further and more often but they’re also a whole lot bigger! It will be hard to miss your account information plastered on the side of a car. 

Just make sure that if you do this one, you use your own car or to do it in someone’s car that has permitted you to. You’ll get in a heap load of trouble if you start plastering your face on the side of strangers cars and it will be more trouble than it’s worth. 

27 – Use affiliates to promote your content. 

This one works similarly to shoutouts and cross-promotions as it uses other people with larger followings to promote your own account. The way affiliates work is that you use others to promote your content and give them a small percentage of your sales. So say you paid a fellow creator to promote a specific video, you’d give them 5% of the videos earnings in a certain time scale. It ends up being worth the money as you get more sales than you usually would. 

You can find affiliates on sites such as gfy.com or blackhatworld forums. You can also make affiliates out of other content creators and do the same for them. 

28 – Partner up with another creator. 

This one might sound familiar because we mentioned collaborating with another OnlyFans creator earlier on. This one is different though because it doesn’t have to be another OnlyFans creator and it can also become more of a long term commitment. 

If you were to partner up with another creator, you could work with them long term. While this means you’d have to split the profit 50/50 of everything you made, you’d also split the responsibility. You’d split the workload in half, the editing and the promoting. You’d also be more likely to draw in more customers as you two might appeal to different peoples preferences. 

29 – Word of Mouth. 

The oldest and frankly the best form of promotion is the trusty word of mouth. 

Talking about your content and the work you do for a living is quite frankly the best way to get your account out there. The more you talk about it, the more people find out about your account which means it’s more likely to stumble across someone interested in it. 

You can do this both day to day in person and by using various social media platforms. All you need to do is start talking and keep talking! Eventually, the customers will come to you. 

30 – Teach a class! 

This is a different way to promote your OnlyFans and is predominantly aimed at experienced creators – those that have a bit of an existing following and a lot of experience when it comes to OnlyFans. 

You can create a course on platforms such as Udemy or Patreon that talks about your experience with OnlyFans. You can create your own tips and tricks (much like this list) and share them to fellow creators and those just starting out. This is bound to get the word of your account knocking around. 

31 – Comment on related adult and sex blogs. 

The best way to get your account out there is to just talk about it as much as you can. If you start to leave comments linking and promoting your account on existing sex blogs and sites, you’ll start to reap the rewards soon enough. Start with kinkly.com and their listing of top sex blogs.

Comments in places like these are guaranteed to reach the right kind of people quicker than probably any other piece of promotional advice on this list. It’s a short, simple, free, and easy way to promote if you don’t have a whole ton of time. 

32 – Sell your used panties! 

This is such an easy way to get extra money and to spread awareness about your account. It’s a niche that you can make a whole ton of money from by barely lifting a finger. Think about it – you were going to wear panties (presumably) today anyway, weren’t you? So why not buy a cheap packet and sell them dirty for five times the price! It beats doing laundry.

Jokes aside, this is a good promotion tactic as the people that will buying them are also the people that would want to pay for your OnlyFans. It’s a foolproof promotion tactic and a win win. I recommend checking pantydeal for selling your used panties.

33 – Improve your content

Last but not least, improve your content

That’s not to say your existing content is bad but there is always room for improvement. If you work tirelessly to better your content with every video or picture you post, your account will grow over time naturally. 

Just know that while OnlyFans is often considered an easy’ and cop out’ job, it’s not. It takes a ton of hard work, effort, and emotional strain so if you’re serious about making it big, putting the effort in will reward you. 


There you have it – my 33 sure tips on how to promote your OnlyFans account and successfully become a valued creator. If you follow even just a few of these trusted tips, your OnlyFans account is sure to explode in popularity sooner rather than later. Just remember to be careful with whatever promotion you’re using and make sure not to share any personal information!

For now, keep grinding, creating and be safe!


My name is Emma, I have founded Lustfel.com along with Amy and other webcam models. Writing more about adult industry as a whole. European cam girl.


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