Heard of OnlyFans but aren’t quite sure that it is about? Wondering who the CEO of OnlyFans is? Wondering how many people use OnlyFans? We are going to try and answer some of the most burning questions that you may have about what is easily going to become of the largest porn websites in the world…even though it isn’t strictly a porn website. However, we will talk more about that in a short while!

Best Onlyfans: Featured This Month

What is OnlyFans and How Does it Work?

While we are positive that there are not that many people out there that do not know what OnlyFans.com, we figured that we would start by giving you a quick run-through, just in case there are a few yet to discover the platform!

OnlyFans.com is a subscription service for content creators. Now, while OnlyFans.com is often associated with the world of porn, there are a ton of content creators on there. Although, it is often the nudes that gather the most attention.

We like to think of OnlyFans.com as a large social media website. In fact, the format of it is pretty similar to that of Twitter. Content creators can charge a monthly subscription fee to access their feed. This feed can include status updates, photos, videos, etc.

OnlyFans.com also allows content creators to share other content. For example, private messages, and in recent months, PPV events.

It is a rather simple concept. You pay each month to subscribe to whoever you want. Each content creator is free to charge their own prices. All they need to bear in mind is that OnlyFans is going to take a 20% cut of their earnings. However, to be honest with you, this isn’t all that high compared to some of the other platforms out there.

When Did it Start?

OnlyFans.com launched in September 2016 by Tim Stokely (more on him in a short while).

There is very little known about the early days of OnlyFans.com. This is, mostly, because the site became popular almost overnight. In fact, it is probably one of the fastest-growing content websites ever. It didn’t really get a chance to be a small site that barely anybody knew about. One day, everybody just knew about it. It was crazy.

Who is Tim Stokely?

The CEO of OnlyFans.com is a British fella; Tim Stokely. He is the guy that founded the site back in 2016.

While OnlyFans.com is his most successful business venture, this was not his first foray into the world of porn. He had built up a couple of porn websites before that, as well as a British-focused website that helped people find those to complete projects around their home. However, that site seems to have been lost to time, likely because there was a lot of competition in the UK at that point.

Tim Stokely came up with the idea for OnlyFans.com back in 2016. Luckily for him, his father was an ex-investment banker, which meant that Tim Stokely was able to quickly source the money that he needed to launch the website. £10,000, in fact. This indicates that his previous websites weren’t successful since he didn’t have this much cash just sitting around.

Tim Stokely currently owns 25% of the company, but remains the CEO. This means that he is part of most of the major decisions that the company makes. While we are positive that his father has now been repaid the money that he lent to get OnlyFans.com up off of the ground, he works as the head of Finance.

Who Acquired OnlyFans?

OnlyFans.com is currently owned by Leonid Radvinksi.

The company is, technically, owned by Fenix International LTD. Leonid Radvinski just owns a 75% stake in that. The rest of the company is owned by Tim Stokely and a couple of other shareholders. The company remains registered in the United Kingdom.

Before the site was purchased by Leonid Radvinski, the site was more known for the things that it offered other than porn. However, once Leonid Radvinski purchased the majority of the site, his decisions started to overtake things. Due to his experience in the world of porn, the guy quickly turned OnlyFans.com into the premier amateur porn website.

Sure, the rest of the content on the site is still there. However, you will find that the bulk of people no longer talk about it. In fact, we reckon that many of the people that are reading this article didn’t know that there were other things on the website that are not porn. It probably doesn’t help that there isn’t a search engine on OnlyFans.com.

Not much is known about the business dealings of Fenix International LTD beyond the fact that it runs OnlyFans.com. This is strange, because this information should really be in the public eye.

Who is Leonid Radvinski?

Leonid Radvinksi is a Ukrainian-American. Quite a controversial one, in fact.

Way back in the early 2000s, the guy was actually sued by Microsoft for being a spammer. Now, nothing actually came of that case. It seems to have been confined to history now. However, it should give you an idea about who the guy is.

In fact, that wasn’t the first controversy that he had before he bought into OnlyFans.com. He was regularly suspected of being a major money launderer. Many people also believed that he was deliberately targeting underage people to perform on his platform. Even today, this is something that he is suspected of. We will talk more about that in the controversy section.

It isn’t just ‘crime’ that brought Leonid Radvinsky to fame, though. Oh no. The guy also owns the website MyFreeCams.com. This is a website that we are sure that you have heard of. It focuses on offering free sex webcams where the performers are looking for tips. Pretty simple stuff.

Beyond this, there is not much to say about Leonid Radvinski. Probably because of the things that the guy has been accused of in the past, it seems that he is about shy of doing interviews. In fact, the bulk of the information that we know about him comes from random snippets here and there. We couldn’t find that much evidence that he has given a full interview.

What we can say, however, is that he is the majority owner of OnlyFans.com. This means that while Tim Stokely is the CEO and is probably going to be in charge of decisions on a daily basis, it is likely that Leonid Radvinski is guiding the overall future of the company. This was pretty evident from the fact that the site didn’t really start to dive heavily into the world of porn until he was brought on board.

It is clear that this is a company that has a future with Leonid Radvinski at the helm, though. After all, this is a guy that is known for sticking with his businesses for the long term.

OnlyFans and Controversy

As with most websites that feature porn, OnlyFans has been no stranger to controversy. However, the company has tried exceedingly hard to deal with those issues over the years.

Perhaps the most ‘controversial thing that the site has had to deal with over the years is underage performers on the site. In fact, it was believed that, at one point, up to a third of the people advertising their OnlyFans on Twitter were underage. However, OnlyFans has now combated this by having more stringent ID checks in place. Well, supposedly.

The current owner of the site, Leonid Radvinski, is suspected of being a money launderer and many banks will refuse to deal with him.

They have also suffered some controversy about their creators receiving less money than they should have received, as well as their systems often encouraging the leaking of images from the platform.

OnlyFans and Numbers (Creators, Users, Earnings)

OnlyFans likes to play its cards pretty close to its chest when it comes to the number of content creators and users that are on the website. Much of the information that we have is purely guesswork or comes from scant information that OnlyFans has released over the last few years.

It is currently believed that there are about 1,000,000 on the platform registered as content creators. This does not necessarily mean that they are producing content. It just means that they have an account if they wanted to make money later on down the line. Remember, while OnlyFans is regarded as a porn website, there are content creators on the platform that are producing things that are not porn.

On top of this, you have at least 50-million people that are registered as users on the platform. So, for every 1 content creator, there will be 5 registered users. It may not seem like a lot. However, as we said, the bulk of the content creator accounts probably aren’t being used.

The rate of growth for the registered users far outstrips that of the content creators anyway. It is said that 500,000 new people per day are signing up to accounts, as opposed to 5,000 new content creators.

So, how much can people earn on the platform? Well, current stats indicate that the average earnings on the platform are $180 per month. This may seem quite high. However, it isn’t. You see, the Only Fans platform has a huge disparity in earnings, kind of like living in the US, we guess.

Most people on the platform that regularly post content are earning under $100 per month. Around 1% of the accounts are making 33% of the money. This means that some content creators become millionaires, while the vast majority will not even be able to make enough cash to cover a part-time job.

In total, OnlyFans has paid out $2-billion in cash to the content creators on the platform. It may not seem like a lot for a platform that is so popular. However, do bear in mind that the company has only been around for a couple of years at this point.

How the Pandemic Affected OnlyFans

The pandemic was probably one of the best things that could have happened to OnlyFans.

For starters, you had people that were forced out of their job. They couldn’t work and, in many countries of the world, they didn’t have any income to make ends meet. This meant that they had to look into new income sources.

OnlyFans was doing the rounds at the time (i.e. was just starting to gain traction), so a lot of people thought that they would try their hand at OnlyFans to see if they could make a couple of hundred dollars here and there.

Of course, with the huge number of people now heading to OnlyFans.com, they were all advertising their services on social media. This was drawing in viewers to actually check them out.

The result was that OnlyFans started to make more cash than ever before. Sure, it did come under a little bit more scrutiny. However, it is claimed that the profits for OnlyFans have doubled due to the pandemic.

We reckon that the site is only going to get bigger too. Even when people start to go back to work, OnlyFans is starting to become seen as ‘the place’ to visit if you want to look at amateur porn. After all, PornHub.com isn’t that site anymore. That was all taken away during the pandemic.

Final Thoughts

So, now you know about the CEO of OnlyFans and what the site brings to the table. If you are a content creator, then go check it out. This could be a great way to make a bit of extra money. However, don’t expect to be making huge sums of cash on the platform.

This is something that is seemingly reserved for the absolute best of the best. Basically, if you haven’t had that much success away from OnlyFans, chances are that you are probably not going to be having huge amounts of success while on OnlyFans. Well, at least not without a whopping advertising campaign behind you.


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