


The truth about sex during pregnancy is the fact that it can be extremely enjoyable. Many women find that their libido remains high during their pregnancy. At the same time, pregnancy can make things a bit more complicated when it comes to getting it on. The good news is that certain sexual positions work quite well during pregnancy. To break it down even further, certain sexual positions are ideal for specific trimesters of your pregnancy.…

You have probably noticed this already, but there are a lot of different terms thrown around with regard to the definition of various sexualities. So many that it can actually be pretty damn difficult to keep up with the various definitions. That is why we have put together this list. We have gone through 24 of the most common types of sexuality and given them a definition. Do note that this is not an exhaustive…

There are a lot of flags out there designed to represent various sexual preferences. More are coming out all the time. For us, even though we try to stay on top of the world of sex flags, it is damn tough to keep up. As you will probably be able to tell as we discuss sex flags on this page, there is many a sex flag that has changed often over the years. It is…

What is squirting and all you should know about it What exactly is squirting? Is squirting even real? Also known as a female ejaculation, some folks think it’s an urban legend but squirting feels like a huge gush of something warm coming out of your vagina. Squirting varies from one person to another and no two people squirt exactly the same way. In fact, You might not have expected it and may even think that…

It is no secret that YouTube is a tremendous place for those that are looking to educate themselves. Learning about sex is not going to be an exception to this rule. Now, don’t expect yt sex ed to be all graphic and the like. It isn’t. A YouTube sex ed channel tends to talk about the issues, and culture surrounding sex. Since there will be no shortage of YT sex ed channels out there, we…

Let’s be honest. Porn isn’t all that tricky to find. It is pretty much everywhere that you look. The real difficulty is actually finding the good porn. Thankfully, with a couple of decent porn search engines in your bookmarks, even this shouldn’t be all that difficult. On this page, we want to introduce you to some of the best porn search engines around. We searched high and low for these websites, so we know that…