If you have a website that needs to be hidden behind age verification (porn a pretty big one here), then you can make life a little bit easier for yourself by combining WordPress with one of many different age verification plugins. And believe us when we say that there are a lot of age verification WordPress plugins out there. Luckily for you, we have put in the effort for you. We have put together a list of what we genuinely believe are the best ones around. This is a combination of both free and paid plugins, so it shouldn’t be too difficult to find one that is right for your budget.


This plugin has been designed for use with WooCommerce. So, if you are running an online store that should have some products behind a paywall, then Agy may be just the ticket. There is both a free and a paid version of this plugin. However, most of the features a person may need will come packed into the free version of Agy.

This is a search engine friendly plugin. What does this mean? Well, it means that the search engines can bypass the plugin when they are crawling your website. This means that your posts will be categorized properly. You will also be able to enjoy the fact that you can lock certain pages with the plugin, while the rest stay open for anybody to browse. This is perfect for those that may not want to put every single product on WooCommerce through age verification.

If you opt for the pro version of Agy, then additional features include the ability to change the look of the age verification. Basically, you will end up with a far better-looking website, which is always a plus, right?

Age Verification System for WordPress

If you are not using WooCommerce, then you may want to take a peek at this paid plugin. Although, do bear in mind that it is only available in a paid version, although the cost of it is not going to be that high at all.

This plugin is perfect for those that may have website visitors from a variety of different countries. This is because the plugin will automatically read the location of the person browsing the website. This means that it will give the age verification notice in the same language as the person browsing the site. How cool is that?

You have full control over the look of the plugin. This includes being able to design pop-up boxes, and even background images. This will make for a more professional look when you are asking people to verify their age.

With this plugin, you can block off your entire website, or you can set certain places that the browser cannot head. It is your choice!

WordPress Responsive Age Verification

There is only a free version of this plugin, which means it doesn’t get updated anywhere near as much as the other plugins on this list. However, do not let that put you off. This still brings a lot to the table.

Perhaps the main benefit of this plugin is the fact that it has been designed for responsive websites. What does this mean? Well, it means that the plugin is going to work on both mobile and desktop computers. It will always look ‘right’. This helps to give off a more professional image. What many people fail to realize is that there are a lot of plugins out there that do not function well on mobile devices, so this particular one stands head and shoulders above all else.

With this plugin,. you also have a surprising amount of customization available. Sure, you are probably not going to be getting your website looking better than some of these plugins can do, but you can’t really turn your nose up at a lightweight, free, plugin, can you?

CPS Age Verification

Next up is CPS Age Verification. Once again, this is a plugin that has both a free and a paid version available, so just go for the one that boasts the features that you want.

The free version features of CPS Age Verification are pretty basic, but they seem to get the job done quite well. This includes a limited amount of customization on the pop-up age verification box. You can also choose to have the box placed wherever you want on the screen.

This is a plugin that has been designed especially to be as obtrusive as possible. It is impossible to bypass for your users, which means that they can either verify their age, or be diverted away.

If you have a membership-focused website, then you may enjoy the pro version. With the pro version, you can disable the pop-up for any members of your website. This means that they will not forever be verifying themselves, which means that they are more-likely to stick around and enjoy the content you have put together. Of course, as with most pro versions, there are also a lot more options available when it comes to the customization of the pop-up box.

Age Verification for WooCommerce

We are back to the WooCommerce plugins for this one. Unlike the first one that we talked about, there is only a paid version of this plugin. However, it is not going to cost you that much in the way of cash for a lifetime license.

You have full customization when it comes to how this particular plugin works. However, our favorite feature is the ability to choose the way in which users verify their age. For a lot of the plugins on this list, verification will take place by a yes or no button. With this particular plugin, you will also be able to allow them to select their age with a checkbox or to input their date of birth. It means that you can go for the option that works best for your website.

As you can probably guess, since this is a paid plugin, it enjoys regular updates. It also enjoys fantastic customer support. Although, we doubt that you will be running into any issues with it.

Elegant Age Verification for WordPress

We have another completely responsive WordPress plugin here. If you have already forgotten what that means, it simply means that you are able to set-up the plugin so that it can work on both desktop computers and mobile devices with ease.

You have plenty of customization features available top you here. In fact, this is probably one of the better-looking age verification plugins on the market, and works well for those sites that are trying to err on the more ‘sophisticated’ side of things.

Our favorite feature of this plugin is the ability to change the age verification options on it. For example; the default is to block anybody under the age of 18, but you can set this to whatever age you want. You will also be able to select how long the tracking cookie lasts when a person verifies their age. This ensures that they do not have to verify their age too often, which is always nice!

Age Checker for WordPress

One of the things that we love about this paid age verification plugin for WordPress is that it is one of only a few on the market that allows you to have more than just an image or a basic color in the background of the age verification window. You can also add a little video, if you want. We feel that this is something that would work well for certain websites e.g. adult websites. As long as you do not show any nudity, we guess.

Once again, you have a variety of different ways that your website visitors will be able to verify their age on your website. This includes checking a box, answering yes or no, or inputting their date of birth.

You have full control over the way in which the plugin looks. There is even a nifty little gadget built into the control panel of the plugin that allows you to see the layout changes that you have made before you make it live.

If this wasn’t enough, this is also an SEO-friendly product, which means the search engines will not be stopped in their tracks by the age verification. Well, none of the major ones, at least.

Age Verify

This is a plugin that only has free option available. This means that it is not really brimming with features, but it is quite a lightweight plugin. Therefore, if you feel as if speed is a major concern for your website, then Age Verify is probably going to work well for you.

Despite being free, it still packs quite a punch on the feature front. This includes a decent amount of customization ability on the way that the plugin l.ooks. It is dead simple to change up the look too, which means you can have the age verification looking however you please in next-to-no time at all.

As with all of the other plugins that you will find on this list, Age Verify is 100% SEO-friendly. This means that you do not need to worry about pages on your website being scanned. Age Verify, despite being free, will ensure that all of this goes as smoothly as possible.

This is a website that has (mostly) been designed with marijuana-friendly websites in mind, but you can use it for just about any platform where you want to keep people below a certain age away.

Age Verification by Devio Digital

Once again, this is another WordPress plugin that has both a free and a paid version available. However, surprisingly, it does not lock that many features behind the pro version of the plugin. In fact, pretty much the only features included in the pro version of the Age Verification plugin from Devio Digital will be customization features and, even then, you still have plenty of options to customize the plugin in the free version.

The only feature ‘missing’ from the free version is to set how long the plugin will take before it asks somebody to verify their age again but, to be honest, this probably isn’t a feature most people will really be missing.

All in all, this is a well-made plugin. Since it comes from one of the top plugin developers, you will even be able to enjoy regular updates to the system. This means that you can always be sure that it is going to work well with the version of WordPress that you are using. This means that you can enjoy even tighter security on your website! It also means that the plugin is quite lightweight, and this means that your website is going to be running a lot faster for your visitors. Always a plus, right?

Age Gate

We are going to save one of the best plugins until last. This is a completely free plugin too.

Now, it is going to boast pretty much the same features as most of the other plugins on this list. This means you can enjoy the ability to customize the plugin, change how people verify their age etc. etc.

It is also SEO friendly. However, it takes the plugin beyond what other plugins offer here. You see, this plugin will allow you to add your own search engine bots to the plugin. We know that most plugins will have Google, Yahoo, Bing bots etc. built into the plugin, but most do not allow you to add some of the smaller search engine spiders to the plugin. This one does. This means that even more sites will be able to crawl you. How awesome is that?


So, there you have it. If you are looking for WordPress age verification plugins, then you have a ton of choice on this page. One final point to note, though. If you are going to be using one of these plugins, then you will want to ensure that you only use one of them. Do not install multiple age verification plugins as it will cause conflicts. We thought that something like this would go without saying, but you will be surprised at how many sites we stumble across that are just plain tough to browse because the website owner has too many plugins designed to do the same job.


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