


Let’s be honest, most people wouldn’t have heard of Vixen Group, but a lot of people would never have heard of MindGeek, but we all access their porn sites, some of us on a daily basis. Vixen Group is just the holding company for a plethora of different porn brands, some of which are sites that you have visited. Let’s take a little look at what Vixen Group brings to the table. The History of…

pornhub logo displayed on smartphone hidden in jeans pocket Since the mid to late 90’s pornography has dominated the internet with its provocative and explicit content, giving entertainment, pass time, and art to millions of people worldwide. Best Porn Companies Sites like Pornhub, RedTube, Xvideos, Hustler, porn capitals? Let’s take a look at some minds behind the biggest pornographic content sites: MindGeek: MindGeek, while registered in Luxembourg, Luxembourg, operates primarily in Canada with its headquarters…

Payment methods icons set. Money transfer vector 3d isometric illustration. Credit card, dollars cash and bank terminal isolated on white background. UPDATED: February 24th 2021 If you work in the sex industry, you will discover pretty sharpish that many of the payment methods normally available to businesses will not be available to you. Many explicitly block payments from sex workers. We assume this is to help protect the company in the event of something going…